The Governors are responsible for strategic decisions about how the school is run, in partnership with the Headteacher, staff and the Local Education Authority (Herts County Council). Governors are representatives of the community ranging from parents to local council representatives. The Governing Body meetings take place half termly.
Chairs Welcome
On behalf of all Governors, a warm welcome to Woolenwick Junior School.
As school Governors we have an important role in monitoring the safety, welfare and education of all of our children. We work collectively and strategically as a corporate body to drive forward the school’s vision.
Governors do not manage the school, this is the role of the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership team. Instead we oversee the development of the school by working closely with them to monitor and provide supportive challenge, ensuring our children receive the best.
These are some examples of some of our areas of responsibility:
- Monitoring pupil achievement and progress and pupil safety
- Ensuring statutory requirements are met and achieved
- Financial oversight
- Setting strategic priorities for the school’s continued development and improvement
- Safeguarding of children and staff
The members of the Governing Body are proud and privileged to be able to contribute to the leadership of Woolenwick Juniors for the benefit of all children, parents and staff. We hope you will take time to get to know your Governing Body and please feel free to get in touch at any time.
Find out more about becoming a school governor here
Governing Body Members
Laura Burt Chair of Governors Co-opted Governor
Term of Office February 2023 to February 2027
I have lived in Stevenage all my life, and have two sons in the Woolenwick community. I have a particular interest in SEN provision to ensure that all children are afforded the opportunity to succeed and I truly see this in action in Woolenwick Junior School. I also love to see sports integrated into school life; teaching children teamwork, discipline, hard work and also the impact it can have to their mental wellbeing. In my spare time, with two active boys, we love all things rugby, getting outdoors, being on the beach in all weathers and camping!
My Governing Board Subject Link Responsibilities are: SEND PPG Computing Equalities GDPR I also support the school by being an integral part of the Finance Committee Full Governing Body |
Joanne O’Reilly
Co-Vice Chair of Governors Co-Opted Governor
Term of office from 29 Jun 2021 to 28 Jun 2025 First appointed on 30 Jun 2020 |
Hello, my name is Jo O’Reilly and I am one of the Governors at Woolenwick Junior School.
My Governing Board Link Subject Responsibilities are: English I also support the school by being an integral part of the Full Governing Body Headteacher's Pay Committee Working Party for Strategy |
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Maxine Gorvett Parent Governor & Co-Vice Chair Governor
Term of Office 23 March 2023 to 22 March 2027
I am a working mum of two daughters in school. I have a strong belief in equal opportunities and have volunteered time to several initiatives over the years to this end. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to succeed in life and that good schools are key to making this happen. I am excited to be on the governing board to help in any way I can and to enable the teaching staff to focus on nurturing and growing the next generation.
My Governing Board Subject Link Responsibilities are: Health & Safety Geography History Computing Science School Website I also support the school by being an integral part of the Full Governing Body |
Wayne Hanson-Prince Former Chair of Governors Co-opted governor Maths Term of office from 23 Mar 2021 to 22 Mar 2025 First appointed on 11 Nov 2020 |
I’m a civil servant currently working at the environment department (Defra) and I’ve lived in the area since 2016.
Until recently, I was a tutor at the Open University business school and have some experience as a private tutor and supply teacher. I also have experience dealing with mental health and safeguarding issues as a former panel member for a local youth offending team. I enjoy travelling and spent a year in Japan as an English language tutor after university. I’m also interested in politics and current affairs, music (I play the piano, though I’m a bit rusty these days) and walking my Boston Terrier Bruno! As the first person in my immediate family to go to university I’m passionate about ensuring that every child has the opportunities and support they need to grow and thrive, so I’m really looking forward to working with my fellow governors to help the school in any way I can.
My Governing Board Subject Link Responsibilities are: Maths I also support the school by being an integral part of the Finance Committee Full Governing Board Headteacher's Pay Committee Working Party for Strategy |
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Karen Jones
Staff Governor
Term of office from 17 Apr 2023 to 17 Apr 2027 First appointed on 5 Sep 2018 |
I am a staff member of the governing board after serving for 4 years as a staff governor and an associate member. I was born and raised in London. I attended primary and secondary schools in Barnet, North London. I have been working in the school for 4 years. I have taught years 3,5 and 6 in our school. In the past, however, I have taught all year groups from Nursery upwards having been a teacher for 26 years.
My Governing Board Subject Link Responsibilities are: Governor Recruitment I also support the school by being an integral part of the Full Governing Body |
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Nicola Griffiths Parent Governor
Term of Office 23 March 2023 to 22 March 2027
Having lived in Stevenage my whole life, and as mum to two girls, I am pleased to now be on the Board of Governors to play an active role in supporting the school. I have spent the past 20 years working in HR in various financial services organisations, where I have seen the direct impact of education experience on future career opportunities. I am passionate about working to ensure that all children have a good early years experience to maximise their own potential.
My Governing Board Subject Link Responsibilities are: Art & D&T Modern Languages Mental Health & Wellbeing Sports Premium Music I also support the school by being an integral part of the Full Governing Body and the Finance Committee |
Sandra Alloo
Associate Member Finance
Term of office from 30 Jun 2020 to 29 Jun 2024 First appointed on 30 Jun 2020 |
I am an associate governor on the finance committee. I was born in Manchester and subsequently support Manchester United Football club. I have lived in Stevenage since 2001. Through the years I have been lucky enough to have travelled and lived in various parts of the world. I have in this time learnt a few different languages and experienced many different cultures. I support the school by being an integral part of the Finance Committee. |
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Kelly Harris
Associate Member Finance Committee Chair
Term of office from 28 Jun 2021 to 27 Jun 2025 First appointed on 28 Jun 2021 |
I am a charted accountant and have worked in many different sectors throughout my career from House builders, Chemical manufacturing to Essential Infrastructure. I have lived in Stevenage for over 16 years.
My niece currently attends Woolenwick Juniors and I intend to support the development of the school by providing my financial knowledge.
My Governing Board Link Subject Responsibilities are: Finance I also support the school by being an integral part of the Finance Committee Full Governing Body |
Amy Bowden Associate Member
Term of office from 3 September |
My Governing Board Link Subject Responsibilities are: Safeguarding I also support the school by being an integral part of the Full Governing Body |
Kayleigh Kingsland Clerk to Governors |
I work for HFL Education and is an independent professional clerk providing administrative and organisational support to the Governing Board. I also provides guidance to ensure that the Board works in compliance with the appropriate legal and regulatory framework and advises on procedural matters relating to the operation of the Board.
I support the school by being an integral part of the Full Governing Body
To find out more about the members of our Governing Body please see documents listed below. If you need any further clarification regarding our Governing Body and the work that they do please contact either the Chair of Governors or Clerk via the school office.
Governor Meeting Attendance 2024/2025Governor Meeting Attendance 2023/2024
Statutory Declaration/Confirmations 2024/2025
Statutory Declarations/Confirmations 2023/2024
Terms of Reference for Committees 2023